Serial Wines
July 16, 2024 | Serial Wines

A Remarkable Growing Season: Exploring the 2024 Vintage in Paso Robles

Ample winter rainfall, driven by atmospheric rivers and seasonal storms, followed by a cool spring climate and intense summer heat, creates a unique combination of inland warmth and significant maritime influence from the Pacific Ocean. This distinctive climate distinguishes Paso Robles as an exceptional wine-growing region.

Weather Conditions Set the Pace

A wet winter season in Paso Robles wine country brought in a substantial influx of rainfall, nearly surpassing the seasonal average. The rainstorms of late January and early February set the tone for the 2024 growing season, preparing the vineyards for an excellent year ahead. 

The first few months of the 2024 growing season experienced slightly cooler high temperatures compared to the same period last year, which was the coolest in over a decade. As a result, bud break occurred towards the end of March. Since then, the vines have thrived under the sunny days of early summer. Thanks to the abundant rainfall over the past two seasons, the vines now boast large, full canopies. These canopies allow the grapes to bask in sunlight, beautifully showcasing the unique terroir of each vineyard site.

Vineyard Management

Throughout the growing season, the team at Serial Wines has carefully managed our vineyards in Paso Robles wine country to ensure optimal grape development. Tasks such as leafing, cluster thinning, and canopy management are performed with precision, informed by decades of experience and a deep understanding of Paso Robles' diverse microclimates.

Our expert Winemaking Team, led by Jeff Kandarian, is committed to producing wines of exceptional quality. Their meticulous attention to detail ensures that each vineyard site achieves its full potential, beautifully reflecting the unique terroir of Paso Robles.

Deseo Estate Highlights

Paso Robles' diverse landscape encompasses various elevations, valleys, and soil compositions, and imparts distinct characteristics to each vineyard. At our Deseo Estate in the Estrella District, we cultivate Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Tempranillo, and Syrah. The area's unique climate and soil enhance the flavors and complexity of our wines. With this year's favorable conditions, we anticipate a stunning third vintage from Deseo Estate that truly reflects the exceptional terroir of Paso Robles.

Looking Forward

As we eagerly await the upcoming harvest, all signs point to a vintage that embodies the unique qualities of Paso Robles winemaking. The interplay of abundant winter rains, careful vineyard stewardship, and optimal grape development lays the foundation for wines that authentically express their terroir and the dedication of our team.

Join us as we approach harvest season and raise a glass to the 2024 vintage.


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